When it comes to confident decision-making there is nothing more enabling than great insight.
To build an effective talent strategy, TA leaders need a clear understanding of what has already happened and trustworthy insight on what is coming down the line.
This dual requirement is at the heart of the TALiNT Partners TA Leaders UK Annual Summit which will take place on 17th November at the Kings Fund in London.
In a packed agenda we will hear keynote presentations from industry-leading experts:
Central to the day will be hosted peer-to-peer round table discussions considering the impact of global events and economic fluctuations have, and are continuing, to drive challenges and rapid change across the talent acquisition landscape.
At this exclusive, invitation-only event Talent Leaders will join market experts to assess how external and internal changes should inform strategic workforce planning and board / Ex-co conversations.
All this, and we will present the findings of the 2022 TALiNT Partners Benchmark Programme; a data-led update of how TA delivery has evolved in the last 12 month and the implications for talent leaders and their teams in the year ahead.